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Year 4 Maths Resources

Year 4 students will be able to distinguish between odd and even numbers, learn efficient strategies for performing the various operations, use scaled instruments for formal measurements and create various shapes. The products below are designed to facilitate existing learning strategies to master the above concepts.

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Mathematics Vocabulary Activities Year 4 – Teacher Book
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Abacus has a wide range of Year 4 maths learning resources for your students’ classroom needs. Our Year 4 resources for maths learning are aligned to the Australian curriculum’s recommendations for Year 4 maths learning. 

Year 4 maths skills

Understand the concept of odd and even numbers

Students will have a solid grasp of the differences between odd and even numbers. They will be able to see the relationships between these numbers in the context of the operations performed with them. 

Learn efficient strategies for performing operations

Students will learn techniques to make mathematical operations more efficient, such as applying the commutative property, relating the principles of multiplication to division when the result of the latter has no remainder, etc. 

Use instruments to take measurements

Students will use various instruments to accurately measure objects in terms of their length, mass, volume, temperature, etc. They will learn to interpret the readings to the nearest graduation (if necessary and applicable). 

Create shapes using various tools

From identifying and describing shapes in previous grades, students will progress to creating shapes of their own. They will learn to combine shapes into figures with traditional materials and digital tools. 

Use data collection tools

Students will learn how to use data sheets, survey questionnaires and similar tools to gather data. Based on these data, they will create summaries, which they will analyse and interpret using picture graphs. 

Year 4 maths activities

Roll the dice

Dice games are perfect for reinforcing concepts such as odd and even numbers. You can be as basic or as creative as you want with these games.

For example, if students roll a dice and an odd/even number comes out, they must perform an action corresponding to the type of number. If an odd number comes out, they must say ‘Oh’ aloud; if the number is even, they must say ‘Eh’ instead. You could also use two dice instead and use them in a variety of other activities to spice things up.

Draw that shape

As recommended by the curriculum, Year 4 students should have already progressed from identifying and describing shapes to making their own. They can use various tools to help them draw these shapes if they’re not too confident with their artistic abilities.

To help your students become more engaged, you could ask them to name the shapes they’ve come up with. You may be surprised at how creative and funny they can be when it comes to activities like these.