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Measurement: Weight

Don’t let maths weigh you down. Lighten your load with these fun tools to develop fundamental measurement skills. We’ve got a range of balances and scales from metric and mechanical to digital and electronic. Or use the push & pull spring scale to measure weights from 250g to 5kg.

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Push & Pull Spring Scale - 500g  (Green)
$13.90 (ex GST)
Electronic Scales - 5kg
$59.00 (ex GST)
Latitude Compact Bench Scale (2g-12kg)
$395.00 (ex GST)
Push & Pull Spring Scale - 1kg (Brown)
$13.90 (ex GST)
Electronic Scales - 5kg (Set of 4)
$220.00 (ex GST)
Latitude Compact Bench Scale (5g-30kg)
$395.00 (ex GST)
Push & Pull Spring Scale - 2kg (Red)
$13.90 (ex GST)
CBX Compact Balance (1g-6000g)
$150.00 (ex GST)
Push & Pull Spring Scale - 3kg (White)
$13.90 (ex GST)
Core® Portable Compact Balance (0.1g-5000g)
$380.00 (ex GST)
Push & Pull Spring Scale - 5kg (Yellow)
$13.90 (ex GST)
Highland® Portable Precision Balance (0.01g-1000g)
$715.00 (ex GST)

Whether they’re analogue or digital, weighing tools have a wide range of practical applications. For example, the price per kilo is an important consideration when purchasing goods such as fruits and vegetables; likewise, the number on a weighing scale during physical exams is vital for determining the overall health of an individual. 

Our weight measurement tools are designed to be safely used by young children, whilst also replicating the properties of their ‘real world’ counterparts. Whether you’re teaching students how to read metric scales or levelling them up to mechanical ones, we’ve got something for you.  

Activity Ideas:

  • How heavy is this? Ask your students to bring an object that they want to weigh. Then, use a Portable Precision Balance or Spring Scale to measure the weight of that object. 
  • Convert those findings. With the help of our weight measurement tools, ask students to convert between grams and kilograms (and vice versa).
  • Fruit market roleplays. Immerse your students in everyday situations that involve reading weights such as shopping in fruit markets. Divide students into pairs, and have one person play a fruit vendor and the other a buyer. Encourage them to play a variety of scenarios, such as asking about the price per kilo, calculating change, etc.